Get Clear Skin

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Acne is the most common skin disorder treated globally. Although it is typically associated with the teen population, acne can affect those in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. Up to 80% of adolescents develop acne to some degree. Acne can persist into mid-adulthood in some individuals and can even be present into late adulthood. Scarring affects 95% of acne sufferers to some degree.

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Program 1 -$240

Occasional breakouts

Acne Grade 1

Grade 1 acne affects all skin types, dry, normal, and oily. Most breakouts will occur in the perioral hormonal area, but they can occur anywhere. A few comedones may appear on oily skin. Home care will be appropriate to the skin type.

About this program

3 Month Program, 1 treatment every 2 weeks.  3x Primary Pumpkin and 3x Power Pumpkin Resurfacer. This treatment will increase cellular turnover, diminish inflammation and prevent acne breakouts while nourishing your skin with the very best ingredients!

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Program 2 -$480

Always broken out somewhere

Acne Grade 2

Grade 2 acne can be very frustrating, and those who suffer from it will typically have tried many regimens and over-the-counter products. Breakouts are mostly papules and pustules, some comedones on oily skin, and rarely, a cyst. If hormonally induced, this acne is very difficult to control, but if can be controlled with prevention and proper treatment.

About this program

3-6 Month Program, 1 treatment every 2-4 weeks.  2x 20% Salicylic Acid Resurfacer, 2x Primary Pumpkin Resurfacer + 1x 20% Salicylic Acid Resurfacer and 1x Power Pumpkin resurfacer. This treatment will deeply exfoliate your skin increasing cellular turnover, controlling inflamed pustules and redness associated with blemishes and preventing acne breakouts while nourishing your skin with the very best ingredients!

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Program 3 -$960

Breakouts everywhere constantly

Acne Grade 3

Grade 3 acne needs aggressive treatment, such as Modified Jessner’s and Salicylic Acid Peel to reduced it to Grade 2 as quickly as possible. The key to success with Grade 3 acne cases is commitment to both home care regimen, including DermaClear Mask and other targeted products as well as professional care. Hydrating products are important for home care and during treatments, as treatment-induced dehydration can cause significant renewed acne activity.

About this program

3-6 month program, 3x treatments every 4 weeks and then 3x treatments every 2-4 weeks. 2x 2x Modified Jessner Peel, 1x Salicylic Acid Peel and 3x Power Pumpkin Resurfacer. This treatment is designed to effectively hamper stubborn breakouts including cysts, preventing razor bumps and diminishing pigmentation associated with acne and scaring. It is highly anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.

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